Video: Jeans do not need washing

ODO Denim is fevering in the apparel industry when it launches its jeans and silver-coated garment T-shirt with a self-cleaning function.

Salman Chaudry, a Pakistani founder of ODO, said that 7,200 glasses of water are wasted each year to wash a pair of jeans. People can change this by creating a non-sticky, non-sticking fabric.

Picture 1 of Video: Jeans do not need washing
ODO fabric is woven from silver-coated yarn.

According to Business Insider, it's not your sweat that stinks, but it's the smell of bacteria "eating" your sweat. Over time, they created a biofilm on your cow clothes, making jeans start to stink.

ODO fabric is woven from silver-coated yarn . When exposed to moisture and oxygen, the fiber releases silver ions. These ions will "eat" the bacteria, causing the clothes to not stink. In addition, the surface of the fabric is as rugged as the "mountain top" , making liquids such as coffee, tomato sauce, honey unbound and easy to use a little rinse water.