Fabric bracelet to help reduce heat in summer
The thermoelectric fabric of a Chinese team of experts can power small devices and help reduce heat by up to 15 degrees Celsius.
A Chinese research team has developed a new fabric with the ability to generate electricity from heat for wearable electronic devices, or to help cool the body in the summer, SCMP reported on April 12. This thermoelectric fabric now looks like a bracelet, which can be twisted, knotted, bent or stretched. It can power a device like a pedometer or an LED light. The new study was published in the journal Energy and Environmental Science.
To help cool people down in the summer, a team of Chinese experts researches new technology for wearables.
"The fabric feels like a normal bracelet when worn on the wrist. The fabric could be a good foundation for wearables. We can use fabric and thermoelectric fibers to make a heat generator. comfortable electricity with the ability to generate electricity and regulate body temperature," said Zhang Kun, a member of the research team and a professor at Donghua University's School of Textiles.
Thermoelectric fabric can be twisted, knotted, bent and stretched.
Thermoelectric materials are used in many fields, including aerospace, infrared detectors, and computer chips. The temperature difference between the materials generates a voltage. Conversely, when voltage is applied to the material, heat is transferred from side to side, providing a cooling effect. This is the principle that works in heat pumps and some small refrigerators.
Experts also believe that thermoelectric materials can be used in industry to capture waste heat and produce electricity. Zhang and his team looked at how to combine these materials with textiles. "Because of the temperature difference between the body and the environment, the thermoelectric fabric could theoretically produce electricity all day," he explains.
According to the research, the new fabric has good mechanical and thermoelectric properties with an output voltage of about 0.28 volts at an outdoor temperature of about 8 degrees Celsius, which means it can power electrical devices. small.
More importantly, Zhang's team says, they can use the technology to lower body temperature by several degrees. They are working on an air-conditioned garment that can reduce heat by up to 15 degrees Celsius.
"Summer temperatures in Shanghai can go up to 45 degrees Celsius. In our experiment last summer, thermoelectric fabric kept a temperature of about 35 degrees. When using an air conditioner in the summer, one person consume as much electricity as 10 people, and a large amount of it is wasted. If we can control body temperature, we can greatly reduce power consumption," Zhang said.
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