Summer cold infection

The cold in summer is mainly due to bad habits like unreasonable cold and hot eating.

Dangerous consequences

Picture 1 of Summer cold infection Do not give your child lots of summer cold items (Photo: utexas) Ms. Do Thanh Mai, C4 Thanh Xuan Bac house (Hanoi) recounted: During hot days, at the agency, she often turned on the air conditioner at very high temperatures. low, about 20 degrees Celsius. The job requires her to go out often so many times she is in the cold room, Mai has to go out in the sun. I also know that doing so is not good for my health but partly because I was in a hurry, some of the subjective people thought that I still did so for a long time but it was okay so I still did it.

Until one day, having just gotten out of the office for a while, Ms. Mai suddenly saw her face slumped, her mind turned wild, cold sweat broke out. After that day, she had to spend 5 consecutive days at home because she was suffering from abdominal pain, the person was filled with fever, chills all over his body, headache . Seeing the doctor, the doctor said that she had a cold due to sudden change from lips Cold field to hot environment, partly because of cold infection due to sitting long in the room with low temperature.

Little Thanh Tung, primary school Dang Tran Con (Hanoi) suffers from a sore throat often drinking cold water and ice. When Tung called for a sore throat, a lot of cough, his voice became more and more hoarse and his parents went to the doctor to check if he could have a sore throat because . cold. The baby's throat is cold, the throat is red and swollen. The doctor said that a few days later, the lungs would be affected.

Bad habits

In the summer with uncomfortable weather caused people to think of all sorts of ways to combat the heat like air-conditioning (air-conditioner), a house without a lot of money used a steam fan, then went swimming, Soak in a cool bath, drink ice with water . However, many people have unscientific anti-hot ways, resulting in the body getting cold in the summer, even leaving unfortunate consequences.

Some bad habits can be mentioned such as to regulate the temperature too low, too different from the room temperature, so when you are from the hot weather, step into the cold room suddenly, the body is not adapted, the Clogged pores too quickly will lead to cold infection and some symptoms such as headache, dizziness, hypertension, leukocytosis .

Conversely, if you are coming out from a cold room, it is very easy to get cold. In particular, in the summer, many children are infected with cold, pneumonia must go to an emergency hospital because parents do not pay attention when moving children from air-conditioned rooms to the outdoors, or letting young children lie directly under the machine. cold, before a fan for a long time . Turning on the air conditioner in the room also makes the air dry, easily leads to dryness of the nose, dry throat, skin is also dehumidified.

Many people have the habit of drinking ice water in the summer, if sometimes it is okay, but if done regularly, especially the baby's habit of rock-sucking is easy to produce pharyngeal inflammation, even pneumonia, in addition to It can also lead to diarrhea and stomach pain. Windy habits of many men are also likely to harm health. On the other hand, those who have a habit of exposing themselves think that doing so will be cooler but in fact, when exposed, the body's area of ​​heat absorption will increase, making the feeling of heat increase .

Prevention of summer cold

Attention should be paid to prevent the body from turning cold suddenly or vice versa because the body has not been able to adapt easily to cause illness. Therefore, when going out in the sun into the house, the body is secreting a lot of sweat, so don't bathe in cold water immediately, drink lots of cold water or step right into the room with air-conditioner to keep it low. When using air conditioner, only maintain the temperature at 24 - 26 degrees Celsius, if there is a child, keep it at 28 degrees Celsius and a basin of water should be kept in the room to keep it moist. Also, do not switch suddenly from air conditioner room to outdoor.

In summer, even if the body is hot, do not drink a lot of cold water and ice, but drink only slightly cool water. It is also not advisable to drink too many soft drinks, especially carbonated water, because these countries have a lot of sugar and can only refresh immediately. In addition, it is necessary to give up the habit of sleeping overnight (this habit is often found in rural areas) because the body is susceptible to cold, leading to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even life-threatening headaches. If you encounter poisonous winds.