Be careful when eating, drinking cold food
Even hot and cold drinks should not be used (Photo: photo-year) Summer is approaching with hot and hot weather so most people choose cold food and drink. However, if you eat and drink a lot of cold drinks, your body is easily "knocked out" immediately.
Experts analyze that when the body's production temperature or the outside temperature is rising and the body's ability to dissipate heat increases, it is unexpected to drink cold food, hot body is stimulated. Sudden cold, immediately appears defensive reflexes.
At that time, the stomach is too stimulated to cause blood vessels to contract for a long time, causing blood flow to be blocked and the body's immunity is reduced. The glands of the sweat glands are closed at the same time, causing a clogging of sweat and body heat.
Besides, when eating and drinking such unexpected cold things also cause digestive disorders, loss of appetite, diarrhea, heart, kidneys are weighed so that the body always falls into fatigue.
So, during the hot summer days, if you want to use cold things, it depends on the health situation of each person and quantify and measure energy.
Although it is hot, it is also not advisable to use too cold drinks, each time drinking should not be used too much, especially for children, the elderly and people with weak conditions, the more cautious to ensure strong
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