Stop drinking this water in the morning if you don't want to get old and get sick

Drink a glass of water when you wake up very well - on condition that it is not cold water!

Japanese women have a very good secret of weight loss, immediately drinking a glass of water as they wake up, help detox the body and enhance metabolism. The secret of drinking water in the morning has become so familiar in articles about health and beauty. But it will become "malicious" advice if you use cold water.

Picture 1 of Stop drinking this water in the morning if you don't want to get old and get sick
Drinking cold water will make your muscles stiff, blood vessels difficult to circulate.

  1. After an evening, the stomach is empty and the water is too cold or too hot is not good, easy to cause stomach and digestive diseases.
  2. Dong Y pointed out that when you just wake up, your whole body is in a shrinking state, drinking cold water will make your muscles stiffen, blood vessels are harder to circulate, more tired and tired.
  3. Western studies also show that water temperature is not related to metabolic efficiency.Drinking cold water is not sure to burn more calories than hot water.

Therefore, to take advantage of all the benefits of drinking water in the morning, you should choose the warm water at the temperature of 20-25 degrees C is best!