6 bad habits make you vulnerable to illness

Eating too much indigestible food such as grease, salty and sweet . causes the body to produce more peroxides, increasing inflammation, especially stomach inflammation.

According to Health Sina, the moisture in the body increases with health. Here are 6 bad habits that easily increase the humidity that people need to avoid:

Not getting enough sleep

In the view of Oriental medicine, insufficient sleep is a symptom of spleen. Good sleep helps your body stay healthy. Experts recommend that people maintain their sleeping habits before 23:00 every day. If you have trouble sleeping, increase the number of activities during the day to bring a better quality sleep.

Heavy taste

Digestive function is directly related to nutritional metabolism and water, so it is best to have a balanced and appropriate diet. Eating too much indigestible food such as grease, salty, sweets . easily causes stomach inflammation. Fried foods and sweets make it easier for the body to produce more peroxides, increasing inflammation.

Picture 1 of 6 bad habits make you vulnerable to illness
Fried foods and sweets make it easier for the body to produce more peroxides, increasing inflammation.(Artwork: News).

Eat lots of cold food

Oriental medicine believes that consuming too much cold food such as ice cream, cool fruits and vegetables, causes gastrointestinal function and absorption to stagnate, creating opportunities for bad penetration from outside. So do not eat too much cold food. If you want to eat cold food, it's best to add onions, ginger to reduce solder.

Drink alcohol

This is one of the main factors that increases the body's moisture. Therefore, to limit alcohol consumption, it is best not to be addicted.


People who are lazy in activity are often heavy, depressed and have high humidity performance. The less sedentary the more moisture accumulates in the body, over time causing illness. Regular exercise such as running, walking, swimming . can promote body parts to excrete moisture.

Sitting continuously

Sitting a lot of inactivity causes the brain not to provide enough blood, leading to reduced amounts of oxygen and nutrients for the brain. This condition makes you more tired, insomnia, memory loss, muscle pain, stiff neck, headache, dizziness.