Sleep habits make your body weaker and weaker

Let's name the bad habits below and remove them to protect your health in winter right away!

Cover the blanket when sleeping

Picture 1 of Sleep habits make your body weaker and weaker

One of the habits that everyone has is to cover the blanket when sleeping. This will cause breathing to be affected by difficult air circulation. Moreover, they also cause organs not to provide enough oxygen to make them tired when they wake up. Long-term effects also affect brain activity and memory loss.

Wear a lot of clothes

Picture 2 of Sleep habits make your body weaker and weaker

Not just wearing more clothes will help us keep the body better! Wearing many layers not only causes a feeling of being stubborn or uncomfortable when lying down but they also harm the opposite. Because while sleeping, the body will warm up and sweat easily. At this time, thick layers of clothing will obstruct and cause sweat to reverse, causing the body to become cold. Therefore, you should only wear thin thermal vests made from sweat absorbent material to avoid harm.

Sleep baked

Picture 3 of Sleep habits make your body weaker and weaker

Cold weather is ideal for us to curl up in blankets and sleep. However, this habit is not good for health at all. According to research, people who sleep better are at higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. Sleep to noon also makes you skip the most important meal of the day. To protect your health, you should balance your bedtime and keep your sleeping habits on time!

Too thick socks

Picture 4 of Sleep habits make your body weaker and weaker

Many people have a habit of wearing thick or multi-layer socks during the cold winter. However, this is counterproductive and harmful to health. When walking too many socks, the feet sweating and seeping back cause a cold. Therefore, you should only go a thin layer of socks made from sweat absorbent material is best.

Close the room door

Picture 5 of Sleep habits make your body weaker and weaker

If you often wake up with tiredness, drowsiness, it is most likely due to the above habits! Closing the room door when sleeping will make it difficult for air to circulate, causing squash to affect health. They are also the reason you often lose sleep and wake up in the middle of the night!

Do not keep the pillow or toilet clean

Picture 6 of Sleep habits make your body weaker and weaker

Keeping these items clean helps to eliminate harmful bacteria. Because these are things we are exposed to for a long time. Frequently putting blankets and pillows will increase respiratory diseases. They are also the cause of increased acne!