Dangerous sleeping habits you may not know

Sleep is an important factor that allows you to achieve success in peak performance, weight loss and longevity goals.

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People often sleep more at night because our circadian rhythms are predetermined with the arrangement of the sun. Today, with the impact of artificial light, we can prolong the activity but cause distractions, preventing us from sleeping early, getting enough sleep.

Picture 1 of Dangerous sleeping habits you may not know

Although we all have different amounts of sleep, some experts recommend that we sleep 9 hours a day. Unfortunately, about a third of people living in North America are thought to be affected by chronic insomnia or sleep disorders. A recent survey found that many people are at risk of insomnia, because participating in stimulating activities for 1 hour before going to bed: 90% watch TV, 33% on computers and 43% do work at home. That means watching TV and surfing the web can keep you up all night.

Insomnia causes depression

Insomnia also affects hormones that control metabolism , appetite, mood, concentration, memory and appetite. It is related to high blood pressure, high levels of stress hormone, irregular heart rate, and impaired immune function, and also causes an increased risk of obesity and heart disease.

Picture 2 of Dangerous sleeping habits you may not know

Results from a study by the US National Institutes of Health in 2004-2006 showed that adults often slept less than 6 hours a day easily smoking, drinking alcohol over 5 glasses, not exercising, and being fat enlarged . Interestingly, adults who sleep more than 9 hours also have the same unhealthy behaviors.

Researchers from University College London found that lack of sleep or excessive sleep increased the risk of death twice. Scientists are too familiar with the links between poor sleep and cardiovascular disease, but they are not sure why sleeping so much is also harmful to you. Some studies have also shown that insomnia can also cause depression.


Cryptochromes sounds like the name of a sci-fi movie, but it is actually an ancient protein found in every plant and animal on our planet. Sensitive to the blue light of dawn and sunset, cryptochromes are related to our circadian rhythms and are found in the eyes and skin. This means that our bodies can detect the sun even when the eyes are not visible.

Have you ever wondered, how can blind people discern day or night, and how can they wake up every morning? Cryptochromes helps detect the frequency of sunlight and signals the serotonin-shifting pineal gland - which keeps your mood up all day - to melatonin , giving you a good night's sleep. When you wake up in the morning, melatonin production is blocked and serotonin increases, allowing you to wake up, stay alert and be active. This is why the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) is a common antidepressant. Everyone who has to overcome depression and anxiety often needs more sleep.

Light will kill Melatonin

Increasing exposure to artificial light disrupts the natural rhythm of serotonin production - melatonin, which we have developed over the millennia on earth. Melatonin is inhibited by light and back in the dark, so when Melatinin flow is reduced, the inevitable consequence will negatively affect your mental and physical health.

Research shows that the aging process is related to low levels of melatonin during sleep. Melatonin is related to learning and memory, possibly an effective remedy for Alzheimer's disease. It is a powerful antioxidant that can protect DNA from the effects of free radicals and may prevent the development of certain types of cancer.

Picture 3 of Dangerous sleeping habits you may not know

An example demonstrates with night shift workers. Recent studies show that broken circadian rhythms and low levels of melatonin push them into an increased risk of developing cancer. If you are a night shift worker, try to compensate for this disadvantage by applying a strict diet and exercise plan. If possible, negotiate to work during the day.

Before you rush out and take melatonin supplements, remember, although this may help immediately, your body will gradually reduce the production of natural melatonin. Simple, get enough sleep to protect yourself!

Cortisol and serotonin

Chronic sleep deprivation can alter glucose metabolism. The ability to secrete insulin and reduce insulin to about 30%, similar to the initial signs of diabetes. Research has shown that this is a deep sleep disorder, associated with hormonal disorders. Therefore, the quality of sleep, not quantity, plays an important role.

Poor sleep increases cortisol levels, a stress hormone that provides some beneficial effects on the body. However, high levels of cortisol reduce testosterone, weaken immunity, reduce muscle, and increase blood pressure. Cortisol also promotes fat storage, especially around the abdomen, where there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Picture 4 of Dangerous sleeping habits you may not know

Cortisol reduces the production of serotonin, and serotonin is increased after the body loads carbohydrates (sugar and starch). This is why many people eat sweets when stressed or when staying up late. Serotonin enhances calm, improves mood and reduces depression. Calm and positive thoughts also increase serotonin levels and can reduce your appetite. So, close the refrigerator door and take a deep breath when you intend to eat.

For successful weight loss, increased energy, better mood, and increased sexual desire, try to keep your cortisol levels down by trying to reduce stress. Reducing stress so far is the most difficult task in modern society.

Improve sleep

To get a good night's sleep, apply the following rules:

- Turn your bedroom into a safe haven for sleep, by creating fun, no stress and stress when you return to your room.

- Relax before going to bed. Write down something that worries you so you can deal with it in the morning.

- Avoid coffee and stimulants in the evening.

- Try to go to bed at the same time every night, including the weekend. Regularity will help normalize your circadian rhythm.

Picture 5 of Dangerous sleeping habits you may not know

- Do not eat anything that causes stomach irritation before going to bed. If you feel hungry and have to eat something, choose foods rich in protein and less fat than carbohydrates. Cheese and blueberries are a good choice.

- Keep your room cool, about 20-25 degrees Celsius. A room that's too hot or too cold will make it difficult to sleep.

- Sleep in a dark room. This is the most important advice to rationally bio rhythm for your brain. Please turn off all devices that create light like lights, computers, ipad .

Remember, we are all busy with a lot of things to do when we wake up. But your productivity will be affected if you don't get enough rest. The quality and quantity of sleep you get can make a difference with the activities the next day.