Do not wear a bra and keep your head high when sleeping

The habit of wearing a woman's bra and a non-knee habit (low head pillow) are habits that are affecting your health every day.

Medical researchers show that these habits can promote disease. However, we can completely change our habits and behaviors to have a healthy life.

We can prevent uAlzheimer's disease, prevent breast cancer and promote optimal health by making some (simple) changes to our daily routine. Preventing disease is easier than you think - learn to live in accordance with natural laws.

A warning for all women is that wearing a bra increases the likelihood of breast cancer.

Although this may sound strange, medical experts are beginning to care about the safety of a bra. The truth is that a bra can reduce blood vessel circulation in the chest, which can lead to tissue edema, cysts and accumulation of toxins. If these toxins are not mediated by the lymphatic system, they will promote the growth of breast cancer cells.

Interestingly, after only a few weeks without wearing a bra, many women said they felt less chest tightness, swelling and cysts. If for some reason wearing a bra is necessary (for example when exercising), then take it off as soon as possible. In addition, chest massage is a great way to help circulate blood and reduce the risk of accumulating toxins.

Picture 1 of Do not wear a bra and keep your head high when sleeping
Poor sleep habits can put too much pressure on the brain

We all know that diseases such as migraines, sleep strokes, apnea, seizures and Alzheimer's are serious health problems. To improve brain circulation, you should raise your head when sleeping. Flat sleep is an unscientific sleeping posture that leads to sleep apnea, SIDS (infant death syndrome) and stroke.