Things to abstain from during the 'red light'

The back punch will cause additional pain and damage to the uterus. In addition, teeth extraction, health examination, singing, eating salty . are also not to be done while " seeing the month ". Health experts recommend avoiding the following activities during menstruation:

Punch your back

When back pain, leg fatigue, we often massage the muscles to relieve aches, but when the ' red light ' does it is not good at all. The obstetrician experts point out that back pain during the ' red light ' is caused by the pelvic cavity . If you punch your back now, you will make the pelvic cavity accumulate more blood, thereby increasing your sense of pain. In addition, punching the back when ' red light ' is not beneficial for the endometrium is in the process of recovery after some endothelium peels off, thereby causing heavy bleeding, prolonged menstruation.

Physical examination

The period of ' red light ' is only suitable for urine testing and gynecological examination, it is not recommended to have blood and electrocardiographic tests because it is difficult to obtain accurate data due to hormonal effects.

Tooth extraction

Picture 1 of Things to abstain from during the 'red light'
Extractions at this stage will cause heavy bleeding.

Before tooth extraction, many dentists will ask if you are in a ' red light ' period. By extracting teeth during this period will cause heavy bleeding, while the fishy taste of blood will reduce cravings. The reason is that ' red lights ', endometrium releases a lot of activators, albumin has dissolved coagulation effects, the number of platelets also decreases, causing the blood clotting ability to decrease.

Use "body wash" milk bath

During menstruation, 'that place ' often has a strange smell so you often bathe. But if you use shower gel or hot water to wash your genital area often, it is easy to itch. Because this area is normally highly acidic, it helps to control bacteria growth but when the ' red light ' is inclined to alkaline, anti-bacterial resistance is reduced, easily causing inflammation. If you use a regular wash or use hot water to wash ' place ', alkalinity increases. Therefore, only use specialized or cold water.

Drink alcohol

Also due to the effects of hormones, the alcohol-reducing catalysts are reduced, making people who are 'red lights' easily intoxicated. During this time, drinking alcohol causes more damage to the liver than normal days.

Ho singing

Picture 2 of Things to abstain from during the 'red light'
If you sing, raise your voice continuously during the ' red light ' period, you may lose your voice.

If you sing, raise your voice continuously during the ' red light ' period, you may lose your voice, the voice becomes hoarse, even the vocal cord is permanently damaged. The reason is due to the increased blood volume while the vessel wall in this area is not reinforced. Chinese experts recommend: women should not sing karaoke for two days before having two 'red lights' for too long.

Eating too salty

Food that is too salty will cause salt and water in your body to accumulate a lot, causing you to have headaches, moods, and anger and irritability.

Eat cold food

Cold food and drinks will reduce the speed of blood circulation, thereby affecting the contraction of the uterus and the elimination of menstruation, easily causing menopause, causing dysmenorrhea.

Drink solid tea, coffee

Among these drinks, high levels of stimulants, excitable nerves and cardiovascular system, lead to dysmenorrhea, prolonged menstruation and excessive bleeding.

Eat fried dishes

Picture 3 of Things to abstain from during the 'red light'
During the menstrual cycle, fat and water are exchanged slowly, easily causing body fat to accumulate.

Fried food is also a taboo for women when ' red lights ' will increase the burden on the skin. Excessive oil in this period causes skin pimples, sores, hair follicles. In addition, during the menstrual cycle, fat and water are exchanged slowly, easily causing body fat to accumulate.

In addition, experts also recommend that during menstruation, you should not have sex, wear tight pants, do heavy exercise, take a bath.