What to absolutely abstain from doing on the first day of the New Year?

There are taboos and things to do on the first day of the New Year that have become a long tradition of Vietnamese people to bring good luck and avoid bad luck in a new year.

Picture 1 of What to absolutely abstain from doing on the first day of the New Year?

1. Sweeping houses, chasing garbage is the "big cavalry" on Tet

According to folk notions, sweeping houses during Tet holiday will sweep along spring buds, the family will be unlucky.

This custom originates from a Chinese monument recorded in "The Goddess of Signing".

It is a story about a merchant named Au Minh, who went to Thanh Thao Lake to receive water for a servant named Nhu Nguyet, brought home for a few years, then Au Minh eats, makes it very rich.

Picture 2 of What to absolutely abstain from doing on the first day of the New Year?

One day, on the occasion of the Lunar New Year, not knowing what reason Au Minh beat Nhu Nguyet, she was afraid to crawl into the pile of garbage at the corner of the house.

Au Minh's wife did not notice it, so she accidentally swept the house and also the pile of rubbish. Since then, the Au Minh family was poor.

It was said that Nhu Nguyet was the god of fortune and set up an altar to worship. (Perhaps because of that, the altar of the genius is often left at the corner of the house). Since then, they have been abstaining from garbage for the first three days of the year because people are afraid of losing their divine possessions hidden in it, their business will not prosper.

2. Abstain from fire

On the 1st day of the Lunar New Year, people are very proud of others coming to ask for their fire. Because the concept of fire is red is luck.

Picture 3 of What to absolutely abstain from doing on the first day of the New Year?

Giving others a red card on the first day of the New Year, the whole year, there will be many unfortunate things in the house, such as making a loss and making money in the house, going to the street or going to the wind and wind.

3. People with mourning should not rush home

Starting from the custom of storming the house, storming the land at the beginning of the year, the first person to enter the house on the first day of the New Year is the one who decides to bring luck or bad luck to the family for the whole year.

Therefore, those who are "heavy", do not match the age of the homeowner should not come to the house on the first day of the year. People with mourning should not land other people's homes to avoid bad luck.

4. Abstain from breaking bowls and plates

Picture 4 of What to absolutely abstain from doing on the first day of the New Year?

Our grandparents conceived, from breaking, tanks were words that created a separation and a break in the family. Therefore, in this day, it is not allowed to break dishes, warm cups, quarrel, scold each other, abstain from unhappy things happening to the family.

5. Cavalry borrow, repay debt on the first day of the year

This taboo comes from the notion that the first day of spring is open to welcome people into the house, and if it is lent or paid like 'offering' the fortune to another hand.

Picture 5 of What to absolutely abstain from doing on the first day of the New Year?

Therefore, in families, grandparents, parents often teach their children and grandchildren during Tet holiday, they should not borrow money or borrow other people's belongings, so as to avoid the whole year of being in need, debt, bad luck. in work, do business.

However, the above taboos also depend on the conception and belief of each person, each family.

However, when understanding the custom of Tet, each person will know how to behave in a sensitive manner, avoiding misunderstandings and awkwardness in relationships.

6. Do not wear black-white clothes

For Vietnamese people, black-white stands for mourning, so on New Year's day, avoid wearing black or white clothes. On Tet holidays, people often wear colorful, fresh clothes to look forward to a happy, happy new year.

7. Abstain from bad food

Picture 6 of What to absolutely abstain from doing on the first day of the New Year?

On the first day of the year, Vietnamese people do not eat dishes such as duck, bream, dog meat because it is not a good idea for the new year. In addition, some areas do not eat shrimp for fear . go backward like shrimp. If you eat on the New Year day, your work will turn back next year, but you cannot proceed.

8. Abstain from bad things

Early statements will affect what will happen in the year. So, you should not say bad words like "Die" or "Text", "Broken". Those are unfortunate words, instead you should talk to people with pleasant words, fun, and sentences that bring good luck not only for yourself but also for those around you.