Absolutely do not do when taking western medicine

Some habits when taking drugs not only lose their effects but also cause health risks.

Here are the top 5 habits that absolutely do not do when taking Western medicine that you need to quit immediately if you have it!

Take medicine with hot water

Picture 1 of Absolutely do not do when taking western medicine
Should be taken with cold water instead of hot water.

Using hot water to take medicine can destroy the paint film and its ingredients before they are absorbed in the stomach.

You should only use cool boiled water to take the medicine is the best. This method will help keep the ingredients of the medicine without harm.

Crush medicine when drinking

Crushing or breaking drugs will affect the coverage and the duration of their effect on the stomach.

This condition is mainly encountered in capsules or capsules. Therefore, you should not treat them before receiving the advice of a specialist.

Keep stomach hungry when taking medicine

Most drugs can irritate the stomach lining if used when hungry. Some medicines need to be taken when the digestive process is taking place. You should read the directions and instructions of your doctor carefully to use them properly.

Take medicine with juice

Picture 2 of Absolutely do not do when taking western medicine
Acids in fruits can alter the structure of the drug.

Acids in fruits can alter the structure of the drug and cause harmful reactions to the stomach.

Although these juices can help drown out the unpleasant taste of the medicine, you also need to eliminate this habit right away so as not to harm your health. On a small note, it is best to eat fruit after taking it for about 2 hours.

Lying when taking medicine

In the medicine position can be attached to the wall of the esophagus to reduce the effectiveness of the drug and damage the esophagus. The best posture to take medication is to sit or stand comfortably.