Why are some medicines not chewed, broken or crushed?

Each time you take a regular medicine, the doctor will only prescribe the name of the medicine, the number of times to drink it, drink it before or after eating, and the doctor will pay attention to remind whether the medicine needs to break, chew or Crushed to use or not.

So if the doctor forgets not only how to drink, what should you do? It is best to ask the doctor again, or if you do not buy the medicine when you ask the seller, if you forget about it and remember it, how do you do it?

Why are some medicines not chewed, broken or crushed? This is because if you do this, it will break down the drug release structure , change the pharmacokinetics of the drug (absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination of the drug) and may lead to loss or reduction of the effectiveness of the drug. treat yourself or your own toxicity.

The following types of drugs should not be chewed, crushed or broken:

1. Drugs with extended form of pharmaceutical release

A drug with a special thin or inert matrix (matrix) containing a drug that releases the substance slowly throughout the passage of the gastrointestinal tract for a long-lasting effect.

Drugs release drugs for 12 or 24 hours. Identification signs: the symbol on the name of the medicine usually has the abbreviations in the table below, you can try to check your medicine cabinet to see if there is any such type:

Picture 1 of Why are some medicines not chewed, broken or crushed?

For example, some brands have the above symbols: GLUCOPHAGE XR (metformin), SaVi Trimetazidine MR (trimetazidine), Adalat LA (nifedipine), DUSPATALIN RETARD (mebeverine).

However, there are also many names that do not have identifiers such as AGGRENOX (aspirin and dipyridamole), PENTASA (mesalamine), PLENDIL (felodipine), NITROMINT (nitroglycerin).

In particular, this type of drug contains higher levels than conventional drugs, so it must use the right number of tablets, the number of times a day as prescribed by the doctor . Misuse can cause dangerous overdose and especially not chew, break or open capsules.

2. Drugs that dissolve in the intestine

A dosage form for the drug to pass through the stomach intact and only dissolve in the head of the small intestine (duodenum) and release the substance in the intestine.

The purpose of this form of medication is to prevent decomposed substances in the acid environment of the stomach such as NEXIUM (esomeprazole) proton pump inhibitors, OVAC (omeprazole) or PARIET (rabeprazole); or prevent gastric release, harming the gastric mucosa (such as aspirin enteric-coated tablets pH = 8).

For the enteric-coated pill, it is important to take the whole tablet whole.

3. Sublingual drugs

For tablets under the tongue and lozenges, special care should be taken not to crack or break the pill . If this is done, it will break the entire structure of the drug, damaging the medicine. Examples include SORBITRATE (isosorbide dinitrate), ERGOMAR (ergotamine).

4. Drugs containing pharmaceutical substances are at risk of causing harm to the exposed person

Is a drug for cancer treatment, cytotoxic drugs, immunosuppressive drugs. Chewing or crushing these drugs may not affect the pharmacokinetics of the drug, but will create particles that can potentially harm the operator by inhaling these molecules.

Some drugs, such as DOLOBIB (diflunisal), FELDENCE (piroxicam), and POSICOR (mibefradil), if crushed or opened, the powder disperses, contacting the skin or mucosa causing irritation. Even drugs such as PROPECIA (finasteride), PROSCAR (finasteride) are not recommended to be crushed or broken because if the powder is dispersed, penetrating through the body of pregnant women (through the nose, mouth) will affect to the fetus.

5. The medicine is very bitter, has an unpleasant odor

Do not chew, crush drugs that drugs with unpleasant taste such as ZINNAT (cefuroxim), REMERON (mirtazapine) or drugs that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa such as FOSAMAX (alendronate). Drugs: BETAPEN-VK (Penicillin V), CIPRO (ciprofloxacin), CEFTIN (cefuroxime), DESYREL (trazodone), EQUANIL (meprobamate), BERBERIN (berberin) are drugs that must be taken from the members because of cracking, crushing, crushing. the patient will not tolerate the unpleasant bitterness of the substance.

Speaking again and again, it is still necessary for the doctors' attention when prescribing and reminding the sick, just as you are "a wise patient" , which is best to find ways to ask again. immediately after the examination, or ask for a doctor's phone number so that if there is anything unknown during treatment, please tell the doctor immediately.