Video: NASA astronaut driving on the Moon in 1972

The astronauts in the Apollo 16 space mission proficiently control the special vehicle to cross the bumpy road.

Picture 1 of Video: NASA astronaut driving on the Moon in 1972
The driver was then astronaut John Young.

NASA announced the video of astronauts in the 1972 Apollo 16 space mission driving on the lunar surface of the Moon, Business Insider on November 25 reported. Apollo 16 is the fifth space mission to take the spacecraft to land on the Moon and is the first mission to land on the plateau.

then bring a specialized vehicle to move on this special terrain. Proficient astronauts drive through very rough roads. Although the trip was not smooth or beautiful, it marked a great achievement of space science.

The driver then was John Young. Another member of the crew, Charles Duke, used the camera to record this image. They stayed a total of 71 hours and drove across the 26.7km road. The vehicle is then left on the Moon just like other missions.