Video: Scientific experiment for 70 years

British scientists have just published a video recording a scientific experiment about the motion of a drop of tar throughout . 70 years.

One of the longest scientific experiments in history has produced a very odd result: it is a drop of black plastic tar.

Launched in 1944 at Trinity Dublin University, England, this experiment aims to reveal the bizarre components of bitumen , a solid-like compound at room temperature but in fact still melting with a Extremely slow speed.

By about 5 pm on July 11, scientist Shane Bergin and colleagues noted what Nature describes as one of the most anticipated drops of the tar in the most exciting mood of science.

Mr. Bergin said: 'We are very excited. That's a great time, when colleagues are eager to analyze the mechanism of this separation as well as the plasticity of tar. "

The Trinity University team estimates that plastic tar is 2 million times more massive than honey and 20 billion times more water.

This is a science experiment done for the second longest in history. Previously, a similar experiment at the University of Queensland in Brisbane started in 1927 which was recognized by Guinness World Records as the longest science experiment being conducted.