Video: Simple way to boil eggs with a microwave

Putting raw eggs in the microwave can cause an explosion when eggs are hot, but you can still boil it if you know how.

Instructions for boiling eggs with a microwave

First, put the egg in a bowl that can be used for microwave, pour egg stock with 1/2 spoon of salt. Put the egg bowl in the microwave, set to High for 10 minutes. When the oven is off, bring the egg bowl, pick up the egg and put it in cold water, peel it as usual.

Picture 1 of Video: Simple way to boil eggs with a microwave
Cooked boiled eggs in a microwave.(Photo taken from the clip).


  1. If you give a little salt or don't give salt, eggs can explode.
  2. Egg stock should be poured, at least half a centimeter higher than the egg.
  3. Choose a big bowl to make the hot water not spill out.