Video: Slinky spiral springs run extremely impressively

Anyone who has ever played Slinky spiral springs enjoys it when watching this toy run from the staircase down, Matthias Wandel's wooden escalator system does even more.

Slinky spiral springs run extremely impressively

In 1943, naval engineer Richard James invented a favorite toy around the world. Slinky spiral springs are made of long coils, bent into many circles, this toy has the ability to ' walk' down the stairs very nicely. Slinky became famous in 1950 and so far this super-simple toy has sold more than 300 million copies.

Picture 1 of Video: Slinky spiral springs run extremely impressively

The guy Matthias Wandel loved this game and came up with the idea of ​​building a system where the springs could " walk" down the stairs longer.

The system that Matthias Wandel makes himself looks like an escalator in supermarkets and airports. The handle was designed to control the speed of the wooden escalator, and so there was a way of looking at the active Slinky spiral springs.

Slinky spiral springs run forever thanks to the unique wooden system.