Video: SpaceX rocket testing Falcon 9 Reusable

SpaceX - Elon Musk's aerospace company has just posted a video demonstrating the vertical takeoff capability (VTVL) of Falcon 9 Reusable (Falcon 9 Reusable - F9R). This video has reached 2.5 million views in just a few days and this is also an important milestone in technology, paving the way for cheap and re-used space transport.

After many delays, SpaceX's Dragon transport vessel officially left the Cape Canaveral launch pad on Friday to carry out the supply mission (CRS-3) for the ISS international space station. CRS-3 is SpaceX's notable mission because the Falcon 9 missile with an open folding system capable of soft landing will return to Earth after bringing the Dragon transport vessel to low orbit. Previously, SpaceX used to test the vertical takeoff (VTVL) with Grasshopper - a rocket that pushed a smaller sized engine. However, CRS-3 is the first time this procedure has been carried out according to the actual scenario.

Picture 1 of Video: SpaceX rocket testing Falcon 9 Reusable

Although the CRS-3 mission was successfully completed on Friday, the expert circles were concerned about the status of the Falcon 9 boosters when it returned to Earth. To mitigate risk, SpaceX has set up Falcon 9's Phase 1 combustion chamber to soft landing in the Atlantic Ocean. Elon Musk said that waves of 4 to 9 m high will make rockets difficult to land as planned.

However, according to Elon Musk's latest update on Twitter: "Rocket tracking data show that Falcon 9 landed in the Atlantic Ocean, where the density of boats is very crowded. Even so, we still Having not received accurate data on the missile landing status, whether Falcon 9's phase 1 combustion chamber had landed correctly and had to wait for official information from the lifeboats. successful landing in case we can control the propulsion phase so that non-rotating missiles - missile destroyers in previous tests ". In addition, due to landing in the sea, there is very little chance that missiles can be recovered for reuse.

SpaceX will continue to analyze detailed data in the following days to upgrade the design and launch mode for Falcon 9. "I think we are ready to connect the points needed to bring the rocket back to the platform. We have had a great opportunity to do this this year, " said Elon Musk.

Below are two videos posted by SpaceX about the amazing vertical landing capabilities of the Falcon 9 Resuable and Grasshopper testing facilities.