Video: The mother's mother frantically attacked the poisonous snake, revenge for her child

A huge poisonous snake, when the parents leave the nest, have been digging into eating baby birds, until the mother bird comes back, it is too late.

The short video begins with the image of a snake climbing a tree, reaching out to the bird's nest. The snake cleverly pulled out a young bird, while the young tried to stir in desperation to find a way to escape.

The snake then brought the young bird to the ground, constantly biting his neck until he died. The mother bird then returned to the nest, panicking to find the baby bird.

He discovers that his child is being eaten by a poisonous snake and immediately launches a counter attack.

The snake almost swallowed the young birds, even though the mother bird was brave when she tried to attack the carnivore, to return to her.

Picture 1 of Video: The mother's mother frantically attacked the poisonous snake, revenge for her child
The mother is helpless to see her being eaten by a poisonous snake.(Illustration).

Unlike pythons, snakes do not vomit out spoils but seek to escape with their prey in their stomachs. It is unclear whether the mother bird will take revenge for her, because the video also closes soon after.

Birds often dominate in clashes with snakes. But it can also lose its life before poisonous snakes, because just a single hit from a snake will make the bird paralyzed.