Video: UFO hovering over the Moon, preparing to attack the military?

Can the two UFOs detect and circulate through the Moon possibly ready to launch a military attack?

A recent video shows images of two UFOs flying around the Moon . While an expert said that this could be an image of artificial satellites, many people believe that it is an alien spaceship.

The image in the clip shows, two dark UFOs flying over the Moon quite close together. The clip is uploaded to YouTube from Richard205Maria account. This person said this was a video recorded from last year.

Picture 1 of Video: UFO hovering over the Moon, preparing to attack the military?
Two black dots fly over the moon.(Photo taken from the clip).

Immediately after being published, the clip attracted more than 200 thousand visits and spread rapidly on social networking sites.

UFO expert Scott C Waring said on his blog that it was a perfect flying saucer, his editing software allowed to see its true shape, both flying saucers. The expert also added that it is impossible that satellites will not fly too close. This man also stated that this is the way of flying military operations. UFOs fly with a teammate flying side by side to support each other when needed.

"These two UFOs are in preparation to fight and that worries me," said Scott C Waring.