Video: Watch cats play clapping games in rhythm

In the video clip that is "stormy", three cats Olle, Lillebror and Ferdinand play pat-a-cake just like humans.

According to Helena and Olof Rogbrant (Sweden, owner of three cats), they found two cats Olle and Lillebror " knew" playing the game just a day after bringing them home to feed two years ago.

Picture 1 of Video: Watch cats play clapping games in rhythm
Two cats playing games clapping in rhythm.

After that, Olle and Lillebror "taught" this game to Ferdinand and the three of them played together about 4-5 times a week.

"They always play this game when they're happy. Every time I give them" high-class food ", they play pat-a-cake . Sometimes they play when we go home from work" , Helena - 36 age, in Stockholm, Sweden said.

According to Helena, three cats don't seem to like being photographed while playing."Just seeing me open the camera is that they stop playing, so I have to sneak ," she said.