Weasels were swallowed up by provoking the heron

Attacked by an aggressive fox, angry bird herds drowned and swallowed it.

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Strange and interesting images of animals

Picture 1 of Weasels were swallowed up by provoking the heron
Jonathan Forgham, a bird observer, captured the sight of an aggressive weasel, trying to attack the heron to be swallowed by the heron in Elmley Nature Reserve at Sheppey Island about 74 km east of London. .

Picture 2 of Weasels were swallowed up by provoking the heron
Forgham spent three hours photographing the owl, before discovering the weasel attacked the heron on March 5.

Picture 3 of Weasels were swallowed up by provoking the heron
"I drove closer and noticed that the ferret was attacking the bird. At that time, the heron didn't intend to eat the fox, he just wanted to get rid of the animal."

Picture 4 of Weasels were swallowed up by provoking the heron
"But the weasel bites into the mine of a heron, causing the bird to suck it up and fly into the pond," Mr. Forgham recalls.

Picture 5 of Weasels were swallowed up by provoking the heron
"I drove around to watch her aunt drowning a weasel. It lifted the animal from the water and then drowned again to make sure the weasel was dead."

Picture 6 of Weasels were swallowed up by provoking the heron
"Then, when the weasel was immobilized, the heron swallowed it."

Picture 7 of Weasels were swallowed up by provoking the heron
"I have been watching birds all my life, having ever seen birds feeding on baby duck and snake meat, but I have never seen them eat any animal as big as a weasel," Forgham said.

Picture 8 of Weasels were swallowed up by provoking the heron
"Attacking a heron is not a wise thing, but weasels are very aggressive animals, never give up and fight to death. You can see many bites on the heron's beak".