What does the concept of 'progressive sleep' mean?

According to a new study by the University of California in San Francisco, the number of "progressive sleep" has increased compared to before.

The term does not mean easy sleep but instead describes everyday people who go to bed and wake up very early compared to most people.

A period of "progressive sleep" starts earlier than usual (eg bedtime at 8 pm) and ends much earlier than most people wake up, for example at 4 a.m. These cases are thought to be very rare, but new research by the University of California draws conclusions against this thesis.

Picture 1 of What does the concept of 'progressive sleep' mean?
Progressive sleep depicts people who go to bed and wake up very early compared to most people.(Illustration).

According to newly published research, at least one of 300 adults is likely to be "progressive sleeper" . In these individuals, the body's circadian rhythms release the melatonin hormone much earlier than the average person, causing the subjects to go to bed right after dinner and wake up before breakfast every hour.

While ordinary people have to force themselves to wake up early, researchers say "progressive sleepers" feel refreshed after waking up and fully energizing during the day. However, the "progressive sleep" phenomenon has a drawback - that people "progressive sleep" may miss evening social events that take place after work.

In addition, scientists discovered a number of different characteristics in individuals "progressive sleep" compared to ordinary people, including those who fall into special circumstances only sleeping for another 5-10 minutes. day off. These individuals are also less likely to force themselves to wake up in the morning compared to ordinary people who wake up later.

Through the case study, the researchers concluded that an individual is said to be "progressive sleep" if the person sleeps before 8:30 pm and wakes up before 5:30 am. This is a natural sleep cycle, which means that this phenomenon can occur regardless of the job characteristics or lifestyle habits without the help of sleeping pills or stimulants. Moreover, the phenomenon is particularly common in individuals before reaching the age of 30.