How is sleeping properly?

Sleep is a periodic natural activity that is temporarily postponed for sensation and movement, with a noticeable characteristic that the body is completely or partially unconscious and almost immobile most muscles. It is distinguished from alertness by its ability to reduce the response to stimulation, and it is more easily terminated than hibernation or coma.

>>> 10 strange things of the body when sleeping

Getting enough sleep is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Sleep helps you feel better. However, the importance of sleep also contains many other unexpected benefits such as improving memory, limiting illness, promoting creativity, improving one's own performance, increasing concentration . In addition to sleep. Deep sleep and enough benefits also for the beauty of women such as healthy weight, reduce stress, eliminate depression, ward off dark circles under eyes, healthy hair, beautiful eyes, supplement nutrition for skin.

But too much sleep also affects health. According to research by experts, it is found that in adults, sleeping more than 8 hours a night is twice as likely to die within the next 11-17 years than those who only get 7-8 language.

In the infographic below, please introduce some tips to have a good night's sleep, as well as the time needed to sleep and meet each age.

Picture 1 of How is sleeping properly?
Picture 2 of How is sleeping properly?
Picture 3 of How is sleeping properly?
Picture 4 of How is sleeping properly?