What happens when the Earth stops spinning?

Our Earth is rotating at a speed of about 1,670km / h. What will happen if that rotation suddenly stops? A scientist in London, I just released a video that simulates the answer most vividly.

According to scientist Michael Stevens, who is also known as the Vsauce nickname on the YouTube site, if the Earth stops spinning suddenly, the atmosphere will still move with the initial rotation of the equator Earth (1,670km). /hour). However, most people will suffer a terrible death.

"Immediately, everything does not exist on Earth and does not reside safely at the poles will continue to move as before. The Earth will fly to the east at speeds of more than 1,600km / h . Mechanical Your body will instantly become a 22.8 cm diameter bullet , " said Vsauce.

Picture 1 of What happens when the Earth stops spinning?

Those who can still survive for some reason will turn into "supersonic rolling trees" , accompanying fierce winds, capable of destroying everything in their path. According to expert Stevens, "quick sweeping winds like near an atomic bomb explosion will blow the surface and roll everything into the sky, forming storms of unprecedented intensity around the world. Only my friction caused by the Earth has stopped spinning, colliding with these winds is enough to create huge fires and great unprecedented erosion ".

Meanwhile, the Earth's magnetic field will cease to exist and we will have to suffer from deadly ionizing radiation . The Earth will become a nearly perfect sphere, due to the current rotation speed that our planet swells around the equator.

Because the Earth swells in the middle, the oceans are now held about 8km higher on the equator. However, on a perfectly spherical Earth, the oceans will redistribute, flooding many parts of the planet with huge amounts of water.

If the Earth's rotation is 1 day slow in each 365-day cycle - the "solar synchronization" , every point on Earth will have a year-long or night-time period. This is equivalent to what happens on the moon, where the sun shines the front part for 2 weeks, then the rear part for 2 weeks.

If the Earth stops spinning completely, the world will have half a year of daylight and half a year of full darkness.

"The annual change in the position of the sun in the sky will then only be seasonal shift, high and low in the sky towards the south due to Earth's orbit and Earth's axis tilt. going along the Earth's continuous latitudes, you will see the sun's altitude rise or fall, as we are now observing the height of the sun changing from a single point on Earth due to Daily rotation of the planet " , US Space Agency (NASA) emphasized.

Although the whole scenario is scary, according to NASA, the possibility that the Earth will not actually rotate will not happen in the next few billion years.