Dizziness may be due to poisoning or brain tumors

Do not underestimate dizziness symptoms as it may be a sign of a dangerous disease, such as meningitis, lead poisoning, brain tumors .

Picture 1 of Dizziness may be due to poisoning or brain tumors Dizziness is one of the causes of labor accidents, traffic accidents or living accidents. The dizzy person felt that everything around him was spinning or he was spinning himself like standing in the middle of a tornado; can feel unbalanced, walk unsteadily, feeling floating like standing on a boat, feeling lost or lightheaded like there is no weight, hangover, discomfort, and guts.

Dizziness often turns into episodes, short is a few minutes, long is a few days or weeks. The relapse many times. The patient is always in a state of anxiety and fear. Dizziness may occur when you are taking medication, especially streptomycin; You will feel dizzy, reeling, vomiting and vomiting, the patient suffers from dizziness and vomiting, inedible. Dizziness may be accompanied by tinnitus, such as the sound of ticks, one or two horns, poor hearing, varying from time to time, with increased hearing loss, generally poor hearing tends to increase, poor hearing reception. The patient suffers from pain in the entire head or crest, often at the same time as the appearance of dizziness. Symptoms of sympathetic disorder may occur: hot flushes in the face, sometimes fainting. Dizziness can occur seasonally and the patient can anticipate it because of periodic dizziness.

There are many causes of dizziness: inflammation, ear infections between acute and chronic, viral salivary gland inflammation, meningitis, intoxication (nicotine, lead, arsenic .). Pregnancy, menstruation, vascular system disease (vascular fibrosis, vasoconstriction, increase, decrease in blood pressure), eye disease (bilateral) also cause dizziness. This symptom may also be a sign of vestibular and cochlear lesions (ichthy injury, inflammation of the vagina, inner ear bleeding) or CNS damage (cerebellar, cerebellar, fibrous many places, cerebral palsy, Jackson epilepsy).

Currently, thanks to new advances in examination of balance function, pathophysiology of dizziness, the understanding of the causes of dizziness is increasingly clear, the results of treatment are also better. However, people with dizziness should seek medical attention for examination and treatment as soon as possible, avoiding possible risks.

Depending on the cause, the doctor may be able to treat with medication or surgery.

MSc Phạm Bích Đào , Health & Life