What happens when volcanic lava flows into the sea?

Two lava flows from Kilauea volcano in the Hawaiian Islands flowed into the Pacific Ocean on May 19. Residents on the island have been warned about the "laser" effect.

Picture 1 of What happens when volcanic lava flows into the sea?
Kilauea volcanic lava flows into the sea.

The "laser" effect occurs when molten lava encounters cold seawater, creating toxic clouds containing water vapor, hydrocyanic acid and micro-stone particles (a volcanic form of glass).

Strong winds with unpredictable blows on the island can take laser clouds out of the sea or move inland.

Laser clouds can cause lung cancer, skin allergies and create corrosive acid rain equivalent to dilute acid pouring batteries.

In addition, people are warned about the increase in sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) concentration in the air. Some areas on the island have 3 times higher concentration of SO 2 than normal.