What is a turbo engine? Advantages and disadvantages of turbo engines

Today, turbo engines are widely used in many types of cars, even popular cars with the purpose of increasing the operating power of the vehicle .

Things to know about Turbo engines

What is Turbo?

Turbo, also known as the engine turbocharger (Turbocharger) is a device that is usually attached to the engine exhaust manifold to pump exhaust gas into the engine to increase the power of the engine without having to increase the number and capacity. cylinder.

Working principle of turbo engine

Picture 1 of What is a turbo engine? Advantages and disadvantages of turbo engines
Structure of turbo engine.

The principle of operation of the engine turbocharger is to optimize the energy source from the exhaust gas to drive the turbine to rotate the engine, pumping air into the combustion chamber. Optimizing combustion of fuel and air.

The turbocharger consists of 2 main parts, the turbine and the compressor, which are 2 propellers mounted on a shaft, each fan has a shaft end. The exhaust gas of the engine is directed to a fan, called a turbine with the purpose of rotating the shaft and rotating the second fan in the opposite effect, called a compressor, this compressor will be responsible for compressing air into the intake cavity. engine gas.

More air is compressed into the cylinders, which means more fuel is put into the engine, increasing the vehicle's performance.

Because the engine's exhaust gas is used to compress and enter the air intake, the compressed air has a very high temperature. Therefore, Turbocharger usually comes with an intercooler to cool the compressed air before it is put into the engine. The intercooler is located between the Turbochager and the air intake compartment.

Advantages of Turbo engine

The biggest advantage of a turbo engine is to increase the power of the engine, helping the car operate more powerfully without increasing the number and capacity of cylinders.

Disadvantages of Turbo engine

Turbochargers have lag (slower response): This is one of the biggest disadvantages of turbocharged cars. Because the engine needs to achieve high rpm to get enough exhaust for the turbocharger to work. Therefore, it is easy to lead to the delay of the turbocharger.

Higher repair costs: The use of turbochargers makes the engine more complex, requiring the use of more durable and better materials, ensuring the longevity of this system. And when there is a problem, it is more difficult to repair the turbocharged engine and the repair cost is also higher.