What magic did the plastic pieces in this picture stick to?

Uncover the secret to help you become enlightened - just a small impact, the plastic pellets automatically stick together.

The Reddit social network has recently spread a dynamic picture of an extremely . virtual phenomenon.

Specifically, people in the photo just put a small piece of plastic down, immediately all the other plastic "fly" and then stick together like "super power".

Picture 1 of What magic did the plastic pieces in this picture stick to?
What magic is this?

The answer is probably too obvious: things that can attract each other like this can only be magnets. These are the magnets that are produced by Linkjendal in Norway. But how can magnets be attracted to each other in a "virtual way" like this? Let's try to find out.

What mystery made this "magic"?

Magnets have two poles - South and North - and the magnetic field around the magnet around the magnet will have a magnetic field with a direction from the North to the South. It is also the reason that 2 magnets can only attract each other if left extreme, and push each other when extreme.

Picture 2 of What magic did the plastic pieces in this picture stick to?
Placing two other pole magnets will attract each other.

Picture 3 of What magic did the plastic pieces in this picture stick to?
And the extreme will push each other out because the magnetic field emits the same direction.

So is the magnetic field lines. The key to this "magic" lies in the outer ring. In essence, it is also a magnet ring.

Picture 4 of What magic did the plastic pieces in this picture stick to?
Magnetic lines are upward.

It can be seen inside the magnet ring, the magnetic force will be directed upwards. But besides, the magnets placed in the wire loop will be affected by downward gravitational gravity.

Therefore, if the magnets are placed in a certain position, the magnetic field of the magnet and the gravity of the Earth will cancel each other out, creating an equilibrium state.

However, just a small effect is that the equilibrium will be broken: the magnetic field in the ring will cause some of the magnets to bounce up and suck in tightly.

Picture 5 of What magic did the plastic pieces in this picture stick to?
Placed in the right position, the magnet will be in equilibrium, but set off, the balance will be broken.

The magnet's magnetic field will be proportional to the magnitude. So when two magnets stick to each other, the magnetic field strengthens, then creates a "virtual" pan- like chain reaction as the introduction.

Picture 6 of What magic did the plastic pieces in this picture stick to?
The magnet's magnetic field will be proportional to the magnitude.

Similarly, the picture below is another variation of magnet application . Just one effect for two magnets at the suction angle, the magnetic field produced by the magnet will immediately cause a chain reaction.

Picture 7 of What magic did the plastic pieces in this picture stick to?
Another variation of magnet application.

Picture 8 of What magic did the plastic pieces in this picture stick to?
How to move the magnet.

The following video will give you a better idea of ​​how magnet magnets move when there is an impact.