What to do to recover psychology after a fire?

To overcome the mental shock after a fire, you must accept negative emotions and understand that every recovery process takes time.

Fires are a terrible experience for everyone involved. Besides physical injury, it also leads to mental pain, disturbing thoughts and emotions. People become frightened, shocked, skeptical, sad, angry and guilty. Memory problems, anxiety and / or depression may also occur. Therefore, care and psychological recovery are extremely necessary.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), after a fire, people often go through stages from shock, anger to despair, boredom. You face physical and mental exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, irritating quarrels, changing your taste and sleep. In the end, however, we reached the stage of accepting and overcoming skepticism, bitterness, and sadness to move on. Positive thoughts start to reappear when emotions are adjusted towards the future.

Picture 1 of What to do to recover psychology after a fire?
Most negative emotions will gradually dissipate after a few days.(Artwork: greatwesternrestoration.com).

To overcome the psychological crisis, it is important to accept your negative reaction. Try to maintain your own habits and be patient, understand that every recovery process takes time. You should try to do things as recommended by APA:

  1. Hard exercise, meditation and deep breathing to reduce stress.
  2. Limit exposure to scenes, sounds reminiscent of fires, especially from television, radio or newspapers.
  3. Allow yourself to cry and release negative emotions in a healthy way.
  4. Allow yourself to be happy and happy.
  5. Make some small decisions to regain control in life.If necessary and possible, make big decisions like job conversion.
  6. Limit thinking about what you "should have done".
  7. Do not isolate yourself too much.
  8. Spend time talking to friends, family and healthy people.
  9. Focus on what makes you feel relieved.
  10. Keep away from mood altering substances like alcohol and drugs.
  11. Get enough rest and maintain the awake-sleep cycle.
  12. Eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Picture 2 of What to do to recover psychology after a fire?
Try to maintain your own habits and be patient, understand that every recovery process takes time.

For children and adolescents, the experience of fire easily leads to anxiety disorders, sleep disorders and nightmares. A child's ability to cope with shock is greatly influenced by parents and caregivers, so parents need to strive to be a good role model for their children. You are the place where children find safety. So open up your thoughts, worries and ideas with children. Encourage your children to return to their previous lives, including entertainment and absolute, never treating children as a means to relieve stress.

Most negative emotions will gradually dissipate after a few days. In the event of signs such as emotional explosion (anger, crying), difficulty eating and sleeping, loss of interest, physical symptoms appear (headache, stomach pain, fatigue), feeling guilty and desperate, avoiding family and friends, abuse of alcohol and other substances lasting for 2 weeks or more, you should go to a psychologist for timely support.