What to do when a bee sting, a tick bite?

When bitten by an insect, it is necessary to calmly find a way to handle the bite and burn quickly. Here are a few things to deal with when a bee stings, bites.

Bee sting:

Picture 1 of What to do when a bee sting, a tick bite?

Ong burning (Photo: BBC)

Mosquito bees, yellow bees, bees and bites burn people when they accidentally touch the honeycomb. Burning pigeon bee, the most severe poison. There are 6 ways to handle the following:

- Using lime lime to apply to the burn immediately after being burned.

- Seeds, pink kumquat leaves are crushed and crushed, put on stings.

- Bamboo shoots finely grinded, applied to the stain.

- Waterpipe tobacco soaked with water to burn.

- Tubers are wild, cut a piece of rubbing on the stain.

- Leaf, wire, tuber wire and lime are crushed and finely applied to the burn.

Tick ​​bite:

When ticked, do not rush out, break the back of the head. A few ways to remove them:

- Take the rubbing oil or alcohol on the burning place, tick and drop off, take the lime I put on the bite.

- Lay a small needle or a piece of heated metal wire, then plug it into the body, it will fall off itself, apply lime to the stain.

- If the tick is caught in the skin, it will cause pain and discomfort, sometimes a fever. Pick up marinated waterpipe tobacco to cover the bite and then bandage it.