What will happen if lightning hits a flying bullet?

The temperature of clay can reach 30,000 ° C, while the melting temperature of copper is 1084.62 ° C and of lead is even lower: 327.46 ° C.

As we know, the warhead is made of a lead core coated with a copper layer on the outside. Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity, and it is easy for an electric current with an intensity of 20000 ampere of passing lightning.

Picture 1 of What will happen if lightning hits a flying bullet?
The warhead consists of lead core and copper cover.

A lightning bolt with an average core diameter of about 2.5 centimeters, while a bullet fired from the AK-47 had a length of 26mm and a speed of about 700m / s, or 700 millimeters per millisecond.

Picture 2 of What will happen if lightning hits a flying bullet?
The warhead passes through the ionization channel of a lightning bolt.

One test was conducted and noted: When the bullet passed through the center of the lightning, it became very bright, and the brightness was maintained when the warhead went through the other side and completely did not what harm

In this case, if the warhead is still in place, it will surely be burned by lightning because the temperature of the clay can reach 30,000 ° C, while the melting temperature of the copper is 1084.62 ° C and of lead is even lower: 327.46 ° C.

Picture 3 of What will happen if lightning hits a flying bullet?
Fulgurit - stones created by lightning strike sand at a minimum temperature of about 1,800 ° C.

But the warhead moves at 700mm / ms, which means it only takes about 0.04ms to go through lightning. This time was so short that before the lightning could make the warhead heat up a few degrees, it was far away.

There are several types of electromagnetic force generated by the magnetic field around the lightning and current flowing inside the warhead but they are all too weak. The warhead continues to fly to its target, its trajectory is only influenced by earth's friction and attraction.

So it can be concluded that the warhead will not affect the path of the lightning, and the lightning does not cause any damage to the warhead.