Pictures of UFOs suspected of being struck by lightning

The video shows an unidentified flying object (UFO) hit by lightning in Austria that attracts hundreds of thousands of views and comments.

According to The Independent, the video was shot by Marie Mela, a student at Mostviertel, Austria and posted on Facebook on January 1.

The video begins with a group of young people drinking, dancing to welcome the new year and watching fireworks. When the camera lens is facing up with fireworks, a strange glowing spherical object seems to be struck by lightning. Young people expressed astonishment at the scene just witnessed.

Picture 1 of Pictures of UFOs suspected of being struck by lightning
The glowing spherical object seemed to be hit by lightning.(Photo: Facebook).

However, many believe that the video is staged by the camera being shaken, the interruption between scenes of UFOs and the look of the young people acting.

Local news website Kurier asked Roland Reiter, a meteorologist at Austria's Ubimet weather forecast company, which provides the largest and most sophisticated lightning detection service in the country."We watched the video and checked the weather conditions at that time. No lightning strikes hit the area," Reiter said.