What's special about the foaming of the World Cup 2018 referees used in free kicks?

The 2018 World Cup is the second time that this self-melting foam spray is present at the biggest football festival on the planet, after the first time in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

For football fans, in the last few years, the main image of the match that has foam sprayers in direct free-kick situations is no longer strange. Accordingly, these sprayers are self-dissolving foam sprayers. They are often used by referees to mark the dark positions of many defensive players that may be standing in the free kicks of the opposing team (not nearly 9.1 meters) or to mark the position. set the ball for the team to receive the penalty.

Picture 1 of What's special about the foaming of the World Cup 2018 referees used in free kicks?
2014 World Cup in Brazil is the first time that self-dissolving foam spray is introduced.

This self-melting foam looks like white paint or a normal foam. However, the interesting point is that they will dissolve themselves and almost leave no trace for a period of less than 1 minute. Therefore, foam sprayers like this become useful tools of arbitration when working.

You may not know, the self-dissolving foam sprayers of 80% are water, 17% are butane gas, 1% are surfactant surfactants and the remaining 2% are some other substances and materials in It has vegetable oil. In it, butane is a substance that can evaporate immediately, creating air bubbles in the surfactant / water surfactant mixture. Surfactant meanwhile has effects that make the bubbles more stable and stable to form foam. Finally, butane bubbles also break and this is when the foam disappears, leaving water and surfactant on the surface.

Picture 2 of What's special about the foaming of the World Cup 2018 referees used in free kicks?
Heine Allemagne, who is considered the father of self-melting foam.

In 2000, a Brazilian inventor named Heine Allemagne successfully developed this special foam under the name Spuni . It was first used in football at the professional level at the Brazilian Copa João Havelange Championship in 2001. An international Spuni-related patent file was filed on March 31, 2000 and approved on October 29, 2002. Since that time, self-melting foam has been used in many world football tournaments. In June 2014, the latest commercial version of this self-melting foam spray called '9-15' was released at the 2014 World Cup and was developed by an Argentinian named Pablo Silva.

Picture 3 of What's special about the foaming of the World Cup 2018 referees used in free kicks?
Melt foam now appears in many big and small tournaments in the world.In the 2018 World Cup, of course it also applies.

Recently, Heine Allemagne spoke out about FIFA using his invention without paying a single penny. The Brazilian court also made similar claims but did not receive a response from FIFA.