When the comet is causing

The fact that comets move closer to the Sun is not something strange.

Over the past few years, NASA's Solar and Solar Observatory has recorded the occurrence of comets near the Sun at a density of 3 or more times per week. In fact, most comets that move near the sun are quickly "evaporated" . But the assumption is that if a comet can attack the Sun or Earth, what will actually happen? Recently scientists have answered the question.

When comets "hit their heads" into the Sun.

Comets are often sublimated into gaseous form and evaporate into space immediately. But big comets can overcome that. In 2011, a true meteor (full-comet comet) called Lovejoy shocked the world astronomers when it hit and passed through the Sun's coronary ring . still survived. Although it fits in a hot heat layer of several million degrees Celsius for an hour, it can still survive and continue its journey. In 2014, the comet named ISON did the same thing.

In fact, this has never happened - or before it can be recorded by humans. According to scientific calculations, in order to penetrate into the lower atmosphere of the Sun, a comet must have a mass of at least 109kg (a hundred times smaller than the comet Lovejoy or ISON). If it could penetrate the Sun's atmosphere, the Sun's gravity would cause it to travel at speeds of 600km / s. It will then be forced to cause an explosion, emitting ultraviolet radiation and X-rays that we can measure with current technology.

Picture 1 of When the comet is causing
There were comets rushing into the Sun and still surviving.

Such an explosion would produce large amounts of heat like a storm from the Sun or a solar flare. John Brown, head of the Scottish Royal Astronomical Society, said: " It's like a bomb blasted in the sun's atmosphere." The explosion effect can cause spread effects across the Sun's lower atmosphere. Even so, this is still a hypothesis of scientists because we have not recorded such a thing so far.

The fact that a comet stabbed into the Sun was completely happening, and it could become a global scientific event. The collisions with comets are noticeable, just as the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet struck Jupiter and was completely swallowed up by the planet.

When comets attack Earth

According to RT, recent discoveries about hundreds of giant comets outside the solar system make astronomers have to issue warning bells. They say that these objects move in an unstable orbit and can overflow into the solar system, creating comet fragments that pose an "inevitable" danger to Earth.

Researchers from Armagh Astronomical Research Institute in Ireland and Buckingham University warned that the discovery of hundreds of outer comets in our planet over the past two decades has increased the risk of life on Earth. may be wiped out by comet fragments rather than asteroids. They published their study in the A&G magazine in December 2015 edition of the Royal Astronomical Society of England. According to the study, hundreds of giant comets that are 50-100km across, or even larger, are moving on an unstable elliptical orbit through the orbits of large planets like Jupiter and Saturn, why Uranus and Neptune.

Picture 2 of When the comet is causing
The risk of life on the planet could be wiped out by larger comet fragments than asteroids.

The gravitational field of large planets is capable of pushing these objects, also called micro-planets (centaurs) , from its orbit toward Earth. Micro-planet is an unstable orbital layer of small planets with characteristics of both asteroids and comets. "While approaching the space near the Earth, they may break into dust and large fragments enter the solar system, causing inevitable impacts on our planet , " the group said. study said.

The planet micro-shaped like a balloon filled with ice and dust, has a greater mass than the entire asteroid population that has grazed Earth ever discovered."In the past three decades, we have been trying to monitor and analyze the risk of collisions between Earth and asteroids," said Professor Bill Napier, Buckingham University. He stressed that it is necessary to explore areas farther from Jupiter's orbit to find micro-planets because they can be a potential danger and this is the time to learn more about them.

Astronomers calculate that a collision scenario can occur in cycles of 40,000 - 100,000 years."Some of the great catastrophes of the past, such as the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago, may be related to the Earth hypothesis colliding with this giant comet," the team said. after comparing many records of geologists and paleontologists.