When the male Bats cried to lure the female bats

Picture 1 of When the male Bats cried to lure the female bats The Japanese researchers have reported in the journal Nature that, in the tears of the male Bats contain a kind of " incense " that when bats inhale smells, the smell of love This will direct the bat's nose to seduce you.

The discovery of this " love ", by solar researchers, will help us better understand the animal's exchange signals.

Socially as well as the " propagation ", chemical substances (called phromromones) secreted from the bodies of animals (mammals) often fly very far to " seduce " the animals. opposite sex. For example, the urine of a mouse contains a substance that is referred to as a " message " transmitted to each other.

Hiroko Kimoto and colleagues at the University of East Asia have further demonstrated that the " love smells " of animals are recognized as soon as they are close to each other, without the need to smell away.

In the male (ivory) tears that contain the Protein ESP1, the substance does not radiate away, and the Bats The next stand (or hanging upside down?) Immediately recognizes, through the distinctive nasal wall types of bats.

Mr. Kimoto also said that it is also possible that protein plays an important role in identifying these kinds of " love incense " of animals?