Which species can memorize and 'mimic' the cry of 20 different animals?

The Bird of the Bird or the Lyrebird (Lyrebird) is a native bird of Australia. Their appearance stands out with the large tail of the male when flirting with the female. Scientists have studied and found that the bird can remember and "mimic" the cry of 20 different animals.

Picture 1 of Which species can memorize and 'mimic' the cry of 20 different animals?
The bird can remember and "mimic" the cry of 20 different animals.

Currently, scientists have discovered only two species of bird's nest. One is a super bird called Dieu or weringerong and the other is Albert . The female is about 74 - 84 cm long and the male is 80 - 98 cm long. Birds often nest in dense bushes, eating insects, spiders, earthworms and sometimes seeds.

The Osprey has a special ability to mimic the voices of other animals, even machines. Thanks to a special larynx system they can mimic the cry of all animals, including saws, cameras and human sounds. Scientists have studied and found that the bird can remember and "mimic" the cry of 20 different animals.

This bird has an excellent ability to mimic any range of sounds it has heard, which it uses as a defense mechanism to scare and flee enemies.