Special 'fossilized' animals

Living fossil animals are species that remain in shape for millions of years, with little or even no relatives, representing a single species that still exists.

Picture 1 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Aadvark is a digger, nocturnal, and the only species of the Tubilidentata family to survive. Elephants are the closest relative of this species.

Picture 2 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Red panda . This species lives in the temperate forest of the Himalayas, the only species of the Ailuridae family alive. Despite its name as a red panda, this species has little relationship with pandas. They accompany them with bears, American pandas and ferrets.

Picture 3 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Tuatara . It looks like a lizard but Tuatara belongs to the Sphenodonia family. There are only two sets of Tuatara existing, and they remain the same from 200 million years ago. Scientists think this species can live for more than 300 years, if living conditions are appropriate. Unfortunately, this species is threatened with extinction.

Picture 4 of Special 'fossilized' animals
British snail dance . This is the only representative of the Nautiloidea set. The British snail has an outer shell, unlike its distant relatives, squid and octopus.

Picture 5 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Purple frog . Newly discovered in 2003, this species is described as a "puffed cake with short and fat legs, and a pointed nose" . Sometimes, this species sounds like chicks.

Picture 6 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Platypus . They have beaks like ducks, but they have body hair like mammals. They lay eggs and are the only poisonous mammals in the world. This species has 10 sex chromosomes. It is the only representative of the Ornithorhynchidea family.

Picture 7 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Shrimp-mantis . Although the name is Shrimp-mantis, this species does not belong to the shrimps or the mantis. They are multicolored and have an extremely strong claw, which can break the aquarium glass with just one attack. They are quite faithful and can live together for 20 years. This is also the species with the most developed eyes in the animal world.

Picture 8 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Salmon This species looks quite similar to the eel, but many experts do not classify them as a fish family, but a class of vertebrate animals, as they have skulls but no spinal column. This species originated from 330 million years ago, it is a bridge between their spine and no spine.

Picture 9 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Chicken nails . This is one of the most controversial birds because their evolutionary tree has many defective branches. It is the only member of their Opisthocomidea. It has many features that are commonly found in general types, such as having a nail at the tip of the wing, helping it climb and cling to the tree.

Picture 10 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Koala . Although often referred to as bears, they do not have any relatives with bears. In fact, they are members of Phascolarctidea. It is thought that this marsupial has been around 20 million years ago. Later, they evolved to live in tropical forests, instead of living in the forests of eucalyptus today.

Picture 11 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Pig nose turtles are the only member of the family Carettochelyidae. Unlike other freshwater turtles, this species has a family name for sea turtles. This is an omnivore, it can even eat kangaroos or dead animals.

Picture 12 of Special 'fossilized' animals
Horseshoe crab . Although the name is horseshoe crab, this species does not belong to the crab family, not from the crustacean. They have the family name of the spider species. This species dates back to 450 million years ago. They even have blue blood. This species has a special immune system, which is very helpful for cancer research, treatment of meningitis .