White sharks are rock fans

In 2011, an Australian cruise ship attracted white sharks thanks to songs by famous rock band AC / DC.

White sharks love to listen to rock music

Metalhead - the term refers to people with intense passion for rock music, especially heavy metal. However, not long ago, scientists discovered in the natural world also had an animal worthy of the metalhead title. It is a deep-sea assassin - a white shark.

Picture 1 of White sharks are rock fans

A Discovery film crew has just used death metal music to attract 'Joan of Shark' , a white shark they are looking for. Sharks have the ability to sense low-frequency vibrations of music , equivalent to vibrations of prey. Not long after the waterproof speaker started playing music, a 4.6m-long white shark approached Andy Casagrande, the iron cage cameraman of the Shark Week program. It was tagged off the west coast of Australia in April 2014, after approaching a famous beach. Sharks are not too picky about music. In 2011, an Australian cruise ship attracted the great sharks thanks to songs by renowned rock band AC / DC.

The reason for this, said Jelle Atema, a Boston University professor of biology, is that Joan of Shark can sense such a negative life thanks to a part of the body that can be the third scales ( lateral line). This part is present on all fish species and they use it to detect with extreme precision the movements and vibrations in the water around them. White sharks are very sensitive to low-frequency vibrations so the shooting team used death metal to do the job because the drum's beating from the music is perfectly suited.

Joan of Shark, a rock fan.

White sharks are another great shark commonly found in coastal areas throughout the oceans. The largest known bodies are 6.4m in size, although reports have been reported that some may be 8m long and weigh 3324kg. This species matured at about 15 years of age and was previously thought to have a life of more than 30 years. The real life cycle of white sharks is much longer; Now it is estimated to be 70 years or more, making it one of the longest living cartilage species. White white sharks reach speeds of over 56km / h.

White sharks have no other natural enemies other than killer whales. It is the largest carnivorous fish in existence. It hunts many species of marine mammals, as well as fish and seabirds. It is the only species that survives in Carcharodon genus, and ranks first among shark attacks on humans. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed the great white shark as an endangered species and it is also on the protected list of the Convention on International Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora Endangered (CITES).

Picture 2 of White sharks are rock fans

White sharks often live in coastal and offshore areas, where the water temperature is about 12 to 24 degrees Celsius, but concentrated mainly in the US coast (Northeast Atlantic and California), South Africa. , Japan, Oceania, Chile, and the Mediterranean. One of the most concentrated populations is in Dyer Island, South Africa, where nearly all white shark studies are conducted. The great white shark is a surface water fish, observed mostly in places where there is a lot of food, fur seals, sea lions, small whales, shark species, and bone fish. In open waters, it was recorded at a depth of 1,200m, this finding changed the notion that large white sharks are near-shore species.

Sharks are very curious . Whenever they encounter a strange body, they will swim back and check. Scientists have shown that white sharks are very close to humans. Divers who once swam with white sharks, they also touched their nose, suggesting that sharks are very close to humans. White sharks, though aggressive, but rarely attack humans. Except when they mistook humans for a daily dish (seals, sea turtles .) or when they were too hungry. Steven Spielberg's film Jaws (translated as Shark's Jaw) has made people somewhat misunderstood about this animal. According to surveys, the number of people killed by bee stings, snake bites and even lightning strikes is even more than the number of people killed by white sharks (averaged over a year).