Why are many babies conceived at Christmas?

Winter is the time of sexual activity and egg quality, sperm increase so people are easily conceived.

Have you ever wondered why so many children are conceived in December and born in September? According to Independent, this interesting phenomenon occurs due to a number of different causes.

Picture 1 of Why are many babies conceived at Christmas?
The date of the oldest offering is September 9 and September 19, corresponding to the time of conception, December 17 and December 27.(Photo: nameberry.com).

In Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the team of scientists from the University of Texas (USA) showed that sperm quality often increases when it is cold and decreases when it is hot. Besides, the lighting time also affects the female reproductive organs making the ovaries and eggs work better in the winter.

In addition to biological causes, the phenomenon of many children being conceived at the end of the year is due to the frequency of sexual activity by low temperatures, which makes people want to get closer. Although the Daily Beast reported that the number of condoms sold doubled, other studies confirmed that many couples were willing to sex without using protective measures.

In fact, the data analysis company The Daily Viz statistics in the US, the most crowded date is September 9 and September 19, corresponding to the time of conception of December 17 and December 27. Compared to classmates, children born in September often get better results at school.