Why do people who die on Mount Everest have to stay there forever?

As the highest peak in the world, Mount Everest at 8,848.86 meters is considered the ultimate challenge for countless mountaineering enthusiasts. However, the harsh climate of the Everest region, high cold and lack of oxygen, many people have lost their lives on the journey to conquer Mount Everest and eventually had to stay there forever.

According to statistics, from 1921 to 2021, a total of 305 people died while climbing Mount Everest. Among them, one of the most famous victims was "Green Boots". Over the past 20 years, many climbers have seen "Green Boots" on their way to conquer Mount Everest, but no one has ever helped him down the mountain.

"Green Boots" was not the victim's real name, but he was given that name because when he died, he was wearing a red climbing suit, blue climbing pants, and green climbing boots, with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs bent into an arc with white ice covering his body.

Picture 1 of Why do people who die on Mount Everest have to stay there forever?
The climber appeared to be asleep. He lay on his side, hidden in the shadow of a rock. He had pulled his hood up to cover his face, and his arms were folded across his chest as if to ward off the cold.

As for the true identity of "Green Boots", he has not been officially certified by any country. However, for a long time, the outside world often believed that "Green Boots" was 26-year-old climber Tsewang Paljor from India.

Tsewang Paljor was born in the foothills of the Himalayas and grew up to become a border police officer. In 1996, Tsewang Paljor used his savings to buy a set of climbing gear, joined a professional climbing team and began the challenge of conquering Mount Everest.

Initially, the climbing group followed a fixed route and everything went well. However, at an altitude of 7,000 meters above sea level, Tsewang Paljor was exhausted. Since he had not received systematic physical training, it was natural that Tsewang Paljor would be physically exhausted.

However, as his teammates progressed faster and faster, Paljor moved slower and slower, and soon he became separated from the group. Previous experience had shown that losing a teammate on the way to conquer Everest often led to disastrous consequences.

Sure enough, not long after getting lost, Paljor was caught in a blizzard. The blizzard engulfed the road ahead, and the extreme cold left Paljor exhausted. He could only find a place to stand under the cliff, first to avoid the blizzard, and second to rest and regain his strength.

Picture 2 of Why do people who die on Mount Everest have to stay there forever?
The harsh environment on Mount Everest is beyond human imagination.

He pulled his legs up, his arms hugging his chest, trying to maintain as much body temperature as possible. However, he was so tired that he wanted to sleep for a while.

Surprisingly, after falling asleep this time, Paljor never woke up again. Because Mount Everest is covered with ice and snow all year round, the temperature is extremely low, so Paljor's body was still very well preserved.

For over 20 years, every summer, a large number of climbers have passed by here. When they see "Green Boots" here, they can only pray silently in their hearts and cannot do anything for him.

Picture 3 of Why do people who die on Mount Everest have to stay there forever?
People determined to conquer Mount Everest.

Couldn't they have taken him down the mountain when they came down?

In fact, the harsh environment on Mount Everest is beyond human imagination. At an altitude of over 7,000 meters, the air is extremely thin, about 30% lower than normal ground level.  In the extremely cold environment, "Green Boots" was actually turned into a block of ice and his weight may have exceeded that of his life. In such a harsh environment, many people even find it difficult to breathe normally, let alone carry a heavy frozen body down the mountain.

From a practical point of view, if you want to bring "Green Boots" down the mountain, you must form a professional mountain rescue team and bring professional handling equipment to complete the task. However, such an operation requires a huge amount of money , and who is willing to take the initiative to spend this money?

Picture 4 of Why do people who die on Mount Everest have to stay there forever?
A climbing permit for Everest costs $11,000 for foreigners and 75,000 rupees for Nepalese. Climbers pay between $50,000 and $90,000 to climb Everest. An experienced guide can earn up to $12,000 during the 45-day climbing season each year.

It is said that many years later, Paljor's brother learned that his brother had died on Mount Everest, and he also considered taking his brother's body down the mountain. However, as soon as he asked that the cost of climbing the mountain alone was a huge sum, he had no choice but to give up the idea, because ordinary families simply could not afford such a high cost.

In addition to "Green Boots" , there are two famous corpses on the top of Everest, one is "Sleeping Beauty" on the north slope, the other is "Rester" on the south slope.

Picture 5 of Why do people who die on Mount Everest have to stay there forever?
"Sleeping Beauty" is an American mountaineer named Francys Distefano-Arsentiev. In 1998, she and her husband climbed Mount Everest, however, during the descent, she lost the ability to move due to lack of energy. Francys's husband decided to continue the journey back alone to prepare to bring supplies to rescue his wife. However, Francys could not wait for her husband to come to rescue her, because her husband unfortunately fell into a deep ravine on the way back. Finally, Francys slept there forever.

Picture 6 of Why do people who die on Mount Everest have to stay there forever?
"Rester" is a British mountaineer named Sharp
. In 2006, Sharp carried two 4-liter oxygen tanks to climb Mount Everest. Normally, climbers should carry five oxygen tanks of the same specifications. When he was 300 meters from the top of the mountain, Sharp fell into a state of hypoxia and had difficulty breathing. At that time, 40 people passed by him but no one offered to help him. Just like that, Sharp died from lack of oxygen.