Why do some people hate beer?

You are not the only one who thinks beer is terrible. Because of the fact that there are people who think so, and it poses a question: "Why do some people hate the taste of beer?"

According to Live Science, the general answer is genetics , which affects how the brain processes cold drinks that taste bitter. Moreover, it turns out that the bitter taste of beer stimulates the nervous system to keep us away from dangerous food and drinks and this stimulus occurs more strongly in some people.

But first, let's talk a little about the bitterness of beer . According to the scientific knowledge taught at school, our taste buds can sense five types of taste: salty, sweet, sour, umami (sweet) and bitter. When identifying specific flavors, taste receptors send data through nerves to the brain stem. Virginia Utermohlen Lovelace, professor of nutrition science at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, said: "If receptors are locks, anything connected to it will be a special key. associated with the receptor will convey the message to the brain: "Oh, this is bitter" ".

Picture 1 of Why do some people hate beer?
Many people hate the taste of beer together because it is hereditary.

Humans have up to 25 different types of taste receptors that feel bitter. Meanwhile, only two different types of receptors feel salty. The bitter taste of beer comes mainly from hops. When taking a sip of light beer, alpha and beta acids and low ethanol concentrations in beer will create bitterness.

But what makes that bitter taste difficult to swallow? When friends introduce you to a craft beer line with high attraction and flavor, tell them that their strange tastes are in opposition to human evolutionary instincts. People have actually developed bitter taste receptors for their own safety, to identify foods that can be harmful.

Specifically, a study published in the 2009 Chemosensory Perception magazine concluded: " Bitterness is considered a poison warning system. Many toxic compounds often have a bitter taste, but there is no meaning. Bitter taste is toxic " . In other words, don't be bitter but think that beer or any other bitter food or drink is poisonous.

This underscores the science behind genetic functions or genetic variations . Because there is so much bitter taste receptor, the way we taste and tolerate this taste is considered genetic.

According to a 2017 study published in Scientific Reports, only TAS2R16 (one of 25 bitter receptors) has 17 polymorphisms, including a variation related to alcoholism. Lovelace explained that one of the factors leading to bitterness is the amount of taste buds in the mouth. The more taste buds you have, the more you chew on beer.

Picture 2 of Why do some people hate beer?
When eliminating bitterness, you can feel other flavors more specifically.

However, bitter receptors are not the only causes of disgust for beer. Carbonization in beer stimulates "cold" receptors (similar to the cold-sensing temperature receptors of mint gum and hot cinnamon). Professor Lovelace said, cold receptors also have genetic variations. So even if you are not sensitive to the bitterness of beer, cold receptors can make beer unattractive.

However, if you are sensitive to bitterness in beer or alcohol, there is also a countermeasure to reduce the perception of bitter receptors . Lovelace said: "Sweet and salty foods can help eliminate the effects of bitter receptors. That's why we have beer and tequila with salt. When removing bitterness, you can feel. other flavors are more specific ".
