The area that perceives the hate feelings of the brain

The study of two professors Semir Zeki and John Romaya of the UCL Wellcome Neuroscience Laboratory examined the brain regions involved in hate emotions and pointed out that 'hate zone' is a distinct region. with areas related to emotions such as fear, intimidation and danger even though it is located on the part of the brain that receives aggression. This 'hate zone' is also quite separate from the romantic-related brain region although they have at least two similar common structures.

These results are an extension of previous studies of the same laboratory about the mechanism of romantic and love-controlled brain activity. To explain the ideas behind these studies, Professor Zeki said, 'Hate it is often considered a guilty feeling to be overpowered, manipulated and eliminated for a better world. But according to this biologist, hate is an emotion like love. Like love, it often seems absurd and can lead people to heroic movements as well as sin. How can these two opposite feelings lead to the same micro-lines? '

In order to compare the current results with their previous results of love, Zeki and Romaya specifically study the hate of a particular person. Seventeen subjects, both male and female, were given brain scans when they were shown photos of people they hated as well as people they found familiar. When they see people they hate, the signals emitted from a separate brain region, can be considered 'hate zone'.

This 'hated region' includes the structures of the cortex and the neocortex, in addition to important components that constitute the most common aggressive behaviors, thereby turning into concrete action through a nerve. movement, as if the brain becomes a new control of action. It also includes a part of the anterior brain, which is considered to assess or predict the activity of other regions, an important factor when a person is threatened by people they hate.

Picture 1 of The area that perceives the hate feelings of the brain

According to a recent study by University College London scientists, people who see photos of people they hate emit signals in a particular brain region, given is a 'hate zone'.(Photo: iStockphoto / Valentin Casarsa)

Activities under this cortex include two distinct structures, the frontal and lymph nodes. It is a place of perception of contempt and disgust, which may also be part of the behavioral control structure, because it contains controlled neurons that are ready to act.

Professor Zeki also added that 'The previous lymph nodes and lobes are also activated significantly by loving emotions. This is not surprising. It can also control the preparation of behaviors in the case of love, but in cases where the opponent has dangerous moves. Previous studies have suggested that the anterior brain lobe may be related to reactions when stimuli cause anxiety, and consider both the face of love and hate can constitute the Such signs of anxiety. "

'A marked difference in the cerebral cortex produced by two emotions of love and hate is when with most of the cortex involved in the argument and the evaluation of the emotional love is reactivated, the small area of ​​the brain contains hate. re-lying on the anterior cortex is also activated. This can be surprisingly hateful can also be an emotion that dominates all, just like love. In romantic love, people often underestimate and criticize the person they love, just as when they hate someone, one may want to criticize the person who leads to harmful or harmful acts or bold acts of revenge '.

'Interestingly enough, the activities of these structures when they see an obnoxious face have the same intensity as the hateful expression, thus allowing subjective hate status to become the number of guests. mandarin This can be drawn from criminal cases as an example '.

Unlike romantic love for a specific person, the state of hate can be for an individual or many people, like in the case of racism, politics or gender discrimination. Professor Zeki said that these different hated states would be the subject of further research in his lab.