The mysterious area in the human brain was first known

An Australian neurologist has just announced that he has discovered a mysterious area in the human brain that has never been known before.

The brain is the most mysterious organ on the human body. After a long period of research, a new bunch of gray-gray neurons in the human brain has been found to cause headaches for scientists who don't know what its true feature is.

Even if scientists are making great efforts to build more detailed descriptions of the brain, this bundle of neurons is not yet clearly defined.

Picture 1 of The mysterious area in the human brain was first known
A mysterious area in the newly discovered human brain.

Only when a neurologist comes from Australia while building a new description of the connection between the brain and the spinal cord is the new area in the human brain gradually revealed.

Professor George Paxinos, from the NeuRA Neurological Research Institute (Australia), announced the discovery of a new "hidden" area in the temporarily named human brain: Endorestiform Nucleus . The discovery of the Endorestiform nucleus was presented in detail by Professor Paxinos in one of his new books.

Professor Paxinos said that the area hidden in this human brain was first known for more than 30 years. However, he has no means to definitively prove its existence until recently, with the help of advanced techniques, Paxinos can prove that this is a functional brain region. separate from the neighborhood of nerve fibers.

Currently, this new discovery has the potential to help neuroscientists continue to explore treatments for diseases including Parkinson's disease and motor neuron disease.