Why does the client not give up luggage even though the plane is about to explode?

The fact that many people still stop taking luggage even when the plane in distress must be evacuated urgently because people have been "programmed" with this.

'Jump, jump, jump! Put things back. Jump and slide. Jump and slide " is the anxious urging voice of flight attendants urging to jump off Emirates Airlines Boeing 777 which is about to explode at Dubai International Airport, United Arab Emirates on 3 August.

Despite being near death, many people still waste time taking luggage from the storage compartment above.

According to the BBC, it is not too difficult to explain this behavior because passengers on the plane do not know what is happening outside, people program themselves to get their wallets, passports, phones and house keys - important personal items . If not warned, we will always do so.

The Emirates crew proved they were well trained when they quickly opened the exit door and shouted to their passengers to leave their belongings. All 282 passengers and 18 crew members evacuated to safety, just minutes before the plane exploded.

90-second rule

"Many studies show the ability of a cabin to be destroyed by fire after 90 seconds," said Ashley Nunes, a British aviation expert. "There are things that these tests do not take into account the person trying to take the baggage."

"Now we see another model - when an accident happens, people always grab luggage," Nunes said.

Last September, a British Airways aircraft caught fire on the runway in Las Vegas, USA. The report showed that at the time of racing with time to escape, many passengers still tried to get their luggage.

Picture 1 of Why does the client not give up luggage even though the plane is about to explode?
Many passengers still try to get their luggage before leaving the British Airways aircraft.(Photo: Metro).

In July 2013, an Asiana aircraft crashed at an airport in San Francisco, USA. Photographs show that passengers try to get new luggage to run away.

" Speed ​​is the key to keeping safe, but taking bags will slow it down , " Nunes said. "The situation at that time was very urgent and agitated. You want to get out quickly but get stuck because some people still try to get their luggage, even though those luggage may have sharp edges, puncturing the escape slide. rubber insurance ".

There are many psychologists who give different explanations, but until now, no research has been done to evaluate this strange phenomenon."It is impossible to do research in the laboratory because it is not possible to put ordinary people in a state of near and death," explained Nunes.

"People are accustomed to taking luggage when airplanes land and this behavior is very common, no matter which country it is. In the above incidents, there are many Asian passengers and The British - they all act exactly the same, " concluded Nunes.