Technology to prevent luggage

The loss of luggage on flights is quite common and damages up to £ 2 billion annually. So Airbus has developed technology to help eliminate this problem.

Picture 1 of Technology to prevent luggage

Statistics show that an average Boeing 747 flight had 4 missing luggage. Passengers are more likely to get high baggage losses when flying, especially for short transit times. One of the reasons is that the barcode of the baggage has fallen off during the transfer on the conveyor belt.

The prototype of the BagLab technology, called Bag2Go, involves embedding the tracking tag via satellite and displaying the bar code on the suitcase. By using a smartphone, passengers will send their flight details to the airline and will receive a barcode display for their luggage.

Each bar code indicates the passenger's particular information, flight number, and destination. When boarding a passenger plane, you can use a smartphone to check on whether your luggage is traveling or lost. Combined satellite TV technology and bar code can be easily retrieved luggage.

Mobile applications also help alert passengers when someone deliberately distracts items in their suitcases.