Barcode technology was first patented in 1949, but engineers came up with the UPC code in the 1970s to meet the need for better efficiency in grocery stores.
A barcode appears in the Chickadee's brain, helping them always find the exact place where food is hidden.
There is a lot of food thrown away during production or from shops and supermarkets due to expiry date.
For women, buying two or three makeup products is no wonder. In addition, for some girls, every day almost impossible to lack makeup can step out to meet and meet.
Today, when customers choose to use a product, the first thing they care about is Shelf Life. So, what is the expiry date? How to determine how?
On May 30, General Department of Standards - Measurement - Quality (Ministry of Science and Technology) announced Scan and Check barcode scanning software.
Foreign media recently reported that a fictional American science fiction novel offers a way to mark the human body barcode for fetuses right from the womb.
Gesture sensor systems such as the Wii and Kinect have changed the way we play games and opened up many applications in many areas of technology such as space, navigation and
The loss of luggage on flights is quite common and damages up to £ 2 billion annually. So Airbus has developed technology to help eliminate this problem.