The jacket can hold up to 15kg of luggage

You will not have to worry about every flight on excess baggage with a great jacket that can hold up to 15kg of luggage.

Airlines may not be pleased to know that this jacket may allow you to carry more items than the permitted baggage allowance.

Picture 1 of The jacket can hold up to 15kg of luggage
The shirt is designed with 14 wide bags including two detachable bags. (Source: Kickstarter).

The shirt is designed with 14 wide bags including two detachable bags and a bag of roughly the same size as hand luggage. It can be worn in 3 different ways - including collapsing to the hips or covering over the knees.

"When wearing the maximum length, this jacket is capable of carrying around two laptops, an iPad, two pairs of shoes, a pair of jeans, five T-shirts and one jacket. camera ".

"Users simply put their belongings in their jacket pockets during check-in and check-in. Once boarded, the shirt can easily be converted into a coarse canvas bag. The ability to hold both the shirt and all belongings in the pocket.

Picture 2 of The jacket can hold up to 15kg of luggage
This jacket will allow you to bring everything you need on board.

Product designer Andy Benke told the Daily Mail: "Basically this jacket will allow you to take on board everything you need for a weekend without having to worry about losing or paying. extra charge for excess baggage.

Designers are still looking for sponsorship to put the shirt on production.