Einstein's old leather jacket has just been bought for $ 150,000

Today, Christie successfully auctioned Albert Einstein's worn-out leather jacket.

Today, fashion designer Christie successfully auctioned Albert Einstein's worn-out leather jacket. You can know him as a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, who has discovered the nature of the universe more than a century ago and his hypothesis has also been proved by modern science.

Moreover, he is also a fashionista.

Picture 1 of Einstein's old leather jacket has just been bought for $ 150,000

The Indiana Jones- style leather jacket sells for $ 144,424. Christie described the shirt with a " strong scent" and an Einstein costume used in the mid-30s when he went to the United States to escape from fascism. Perhaps he received it on the occasion that he officially became an American citizen. The shirt was made by Levi Strauss .

After Einstein has the shirt, both look like the ball. Christie said:

" After years, the shirt was worn out." Einstein wore it all the time - taking it as a souvenir to his colleague Lopold Infeld, who worked with him at Princeton. Infeld explained that Einstein was extremely His hair is long because it will save money on hair cutting, a leather jacket can solve the jacket problem for a few years. "

It is unclear what will happen to the shirt, one day it will return to the museum or become part of the world's most perfect Einstein cosplay costume ever seen.