Newton's rapid change in life and career naturally became the subject of contemporaries. The clown character in a contemporary play said: Who doesn't know the name of Sir Isaac!
From close friends and common enthusiasts, Mileva Maric married and became the first wife of the famous physicist Albert Einstein.
Not many people know that Albert Einstein, the mathematical and physical genius, one of the symbols of the 20th century humanity, had an extremely complex love life, with
Albert Einstein is slow to speak, often does not go and is loved by many women are the little things around the life of one of the greatest scientists in the world.
Despite bringing in different diseases, scientists have made their lives meaningful and make the whole world admire the inventions that change human history.
The famous formula E = mc2 is associated with the name of the great scientist Einstein. However, a new study shows that there is not only one brain behind this famous equation.
The Journal of the American Academy of Sciences has announced that scientists who won the Nobel Prize often achieved great scientific achievements when the age of late.
Centuries have passed and when the history of losing the rope connects to its roots, facts can be distorted, lost or eliminated. And sometimes, even the most cautious historians
On September 22, scientists from the European Center for Atomic Research (CERN) shocked the world physics village when they announced they had detected neutrino molecular particles
A British school girl from Claeverley province has surpassed what is considered the